New Indiana High School DiplomaArts Education Resources
The New Indiana High School Diploma was adopted in December 2024 and is set for full implementation in December 2028. This diploma creates some new opportunities and challenges for arts educators to ensure high quality, accessible arts education for all Indiana students. Members of the Indiana Music Education Association have created a variety of resources to aid local educators in promoting arts education in their communities. As various teams develop more resources, they will be added to this page. If you have questions, contact Brian N. Weidner at [email protected] who is coordinating this effort.
Work-based experiences in the arts (coming soon) A major component of the New Indiana High School Diploma is work-based experiences. The arts provide several options for these activities including internships, leadership roles, volunteer work, and employment which can be approved by local school districts and corporations to qualify for work-based experiences
Work-based competencies in the arts (coming soon) The New Indiana High School Diploma will require schools to assess students on meeting core competencies for the workplace including collaboration, communication, and work ethic. The arts provide students with many opportunities to develop and demonstrate these competencies which can be used to document student achievement with these competencies.
Scheduling challenges (coming soon) Due to increased demands during the first two years of high school, many schools are being required to rework their schedules. Possible templates for 7 and 8 period schedules that address these new requirements and include the arts as part of a well-rounded education are found here.
General advocacy for the arts The arts are part of a well-rounded student education according to the federal Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015. Additionally, the arts provide schools with a viable tool to improve attendance, promote school engagement, develop work-based competencies, and address scheduling difficulties.
Locally created pathways for the arts These plans create a specific sequence of intense study for arts education which include collaborations within higher education and the broader community. While these are individualized to the community, several currently exist that have been approved by the Indiana Department of Education that can be used as models for similar programs.