Indiana Tri-M Student Society

The Tri-M Music Honor Society is the international music honor society for middle/junior high and high school students. It is designed to recognize students for their academic and musical achievements, reward them for their accomplishments and service activities, and inspire other students to excel at music and leadership.
Through more than 5,500 chartered chapters, Tri-M has helped thousands of young people provide years of service through music in schools throughout the world. Tri-M is a program of the National Association for Music Education.
A letter from Indiana Tri-M’s Chair, Matthew Spieker:
Hello, and welcome to the Tri-M area!!
If you are already a Tri-M advisor at your school and are looking for ideas, check back here for more information! If you are considering starting a Tri-M group at your school, congratulations!! Your music department, students, school, and community will be all the better. All of us are pressed for time, as are the advisors of our schools’ other honor societies. But we make time for our students because we are passionate about what we do and we want our students and our music departments to be the best they can be. If you set your organization up right, you are selecting the leaders and most interested kids in your music groups. All you have to do is give them a little guidance and then step back and watch them create their own experiences.
Listed here you will find a link to the start-up information from the National website, links to Tri-M websites, and a list of some of the activities Indiana’s creative Tri-M students have been doing.
Good luck in your endeavors, and if you need some guidance, don’t hesitate to ask!
Matthew Spieker, State Chair for Tri-M
National Tri-M
Tri-M Activities Ideas:
- Staff appreciation
- Maintain a garden on campus
- Student-run recital
- Karaoke night
- Breakfast for retired music teachers
- Run for the Arts (Arts for Learning)
- Toy drive
- Clothing drive
- Can drive
- Letters and supplies to soldiers –
- Performance for local nursing home
- Caroling at Christmas Time
- Provide music and sell donuts before school
- Dancing with the Teachers
- American Idol-type talent contest
- Regular talent show
- Usher at school and community events
Tri-M Links and Resources
Check out these valuable resources from NAfME regarding Tri-M, including how to start a chapter, re-activation and more.
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